
I started RiccoRealNameRobert to share my fitness journey. I was 235lbs which is the heaviest I have ever been my whole life and my 5yr old at the time kept asking me why my stomach was so big? So I decided to do something about it. My goal was to get my weight down to 180lbs and to get six pack abs for the first time in my life. I started September 2023 and gave myself until August 10, 2024 to make it happen. This was also my wedding date.

It was a great journey and I worked out every single day for 30 days straight. I also changed my diet up, did intermittent fasting and did a 2 week cleanse. I did not make it down to 180lbs but I did get down to 194lbs.

I felt like I was losing too much strength, before I started my challenge I hit 330lbs on bench press for 3 reps. After I got down to 194lbs I felt like I could barely push up 315lbs on bench press and I did not like that. So I started taking Creatine and it did help me get my strength back but it also gave me lbs back.

I am currently 210lbs and I think I will start cutting in December and my goal is to reserve as much strength as I can.

Check in with me and I will share my experiences, workouts and any good fitness and nutrition information I find that may help others.